Whole Life Insurance
Whole Life Insurance is a traditional form of Life Insurance. It will provide permanent death benefit coverage for the life of the insured. The added feature to Whole Life Insurance is the opportunity to also contain a savings component. This allows for a portion of your monthly investment to accumulate interest on a tax-deferred basis. The saving component of the policy can also be used to borrow cash if needed.
Universal Life Insurance
Universal Life Insurance is similar to Whole Life with a savings and investment component, however, it is a far more flexible option than Whole Life. Universal Life allows the policy holder to adjust their premiums and death benefits. There are two components to Universal LIfe, the insured amount and the savings, or cash value of the policy.
Life Insurance & Your Corporation
Did you know? Your Life Insurance policy can be paid and owned by your corporation? This allows for flexible tax benefits and insurance for your corporation. These types of policies are only a good option with a detailed Will. Chat with us about unique insurance options for your corporation.

Term Life Insurance
Term Life Insurance is designed to give you a guaranteed benefit if something should happen to you or your spouse within the term of your plan. With Term Insurance you have the comfort of a fixed premium and a guaranteed payout if something should happen.